Aug 2Liked by Bernardt Vogel

Starting from 2023, the robotics industry has begun to exhibit some interesting phenomena: there is a sharp polarization between those who believe that AGI will be realized and those who believe that vertical scenarios can be directly implemented without the need for AGI. There is no right or wrong in these two lines of thought; it's just a difference in stance.

However, as a researcher in the field of AGI, starting from the completeness of technology, I do not know about the robot revolution, but robots achieving a general level of human movement, operation, and intelligence is getting closer and closer.

From the more universal intelligent GPT, to more flexible underlying motion control, and then to low-cost, highly flexible operations, the basic modules for building AGI are basically in place. What is still missing here is the core that has not been conquered, which is the Agent.

When the breakthrough of the Agent occurs, it will be the day when the robotics industry enters the era of full AGI. Whether it is academia or industry, whether open source or closed source, they are all essential links on this path. Let us look forward to it.

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Hi @Meng Li , Thank you for your interest in the robotics revolution and its impact on industries. My article focused on the practical applications and current impact of robotics across various sectors, rather than AGI development specifically.

Your insights into the robotics industry's current state reflect a nuanced understanding of the ongoing debate surrounding AGI. The industry's division between those who see AGI as a prerequisite for significant advancement and those who focus on vertical scenario implementations highlights a healthy diversity of perspectives in the field.

The progress towards achieving human-like capabilities in robotics is commendable, and the near completion of foundational technologies for AGI is a testament to the tireless efforts of researchers and engineers. The identification of the 'Agent' as the linchpin for fully realizing AGI is a critical observation that sets a clear direction for future research and development.

The anticipation of a new era in robotics with the successful development of the 'Agent' is both exciting and indicative of the transformative potential of AGI. It is encouraging to see that both academic and industry spheres, along with open source and closed source methodologies, are recognized as essential contributors to this journey.

It is clear that the robotics community should continue to foster collaboration and open dialogue to navigate the complexities of AGI development. The collective goal of achieving full AGI capabilities should inspire ongoing innovation and the sharing of knowledge across disciplines to overcome the remaining challenges and realize the full potential of robotics technology.

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